Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Post of First

This week has been a week of many first....

This is the first time that I realized that first can not be made into a plural....firsts....firstes....

Friday was the first day that I worked in the back by myself...sniff...Amanda (the tech that I was working) with moved to Alabama to live with her boyfriend. Although we did hire someone else to work Monday-Thursday, it is another guy, Tom :( now I will be surrounded by males....very...uh....mature ones at that (I don't want to call them old cause I don't know if any of them read this :) I am not worried about handling the work by myself it is easy enough but now there will be no one to share the time with....if that makes sense.....

Friday night was also the first night that I spent house sitting for some friends. The first night at a new place is always a little rough but the house is great and the two dogs are a blast. They have one Golden Retriever and one Cairn Terrier who are very well trained and lovable dogs. The Golden is hilarious, he will have a small red ball in his mouth that he will not give to me and when I throw the stuffed bird for the terrier he will go and get that too and walk around with both toys in his mouth.Today after our walk I sat down on the floor in the living room and he came and laid across my lap with a treat in his mouth...big o' lap dog :)

And Finally the First that I am most excited about....

This is the first post on MY Laptop!!!!!! Yep I finally bought my very own laptop! Now I do not have to share with Tyler and argue about who gets it when to work on homework. WE can both wait until the night before and not worry about the other having it. :) Life is good!!!

Oh almost forgot I had Ramon noodles for the first time too.....

Adios mi amigos :)

1 comment:

Viktoria said...

I am so glad you are enjoying our house and playing with Sundance and Valentino. Thank you, again, for playing and walking them AND for bringing in the do remember to do that, right?! Congrats on your new laptop