I am ready for a major change in my life..... I WANT A PUPPY!!!! The only problem is talking my parents into allowing this kind of change. I love my dog, Watson, (yes that is him at the top of my blog) but I would really like to have a boxer. I had hoped that working at the vet would kinda cure my puppy love, but it only fuels it. We currently have a boxer named Tank boarding at the clinic and he is the SWEETEST dog in the world. I do believe that I could do most anything to him and he would just sit there and let me. He will let me shove pills down his throat and clean his ears with out so much as a whine or wiggle.

#1 item on my Christmas list: A BOXER!!!! a real live one!! named MaC GRUFF ;)
(Why I posted this I do not know....just so you know:)
HA. I read your title and was thinking, "WOW! That was fast." haha. But I guess miracles do happen!:) Hopefully....one day;)
Lol!!!! That was my intentions. I wish I was not talking about a dog! Just kiddig I am not quite ready for a real realtionship....at least not today:)maybe tomarrow;)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not really ready for a relationship but it sure would be nice!! :)
Btw-I like your blog layout/background thingy! It's cute!!
I was told I can have a boxer as soon as I move out....That is not going to happen any time soon (I dont think so any way)Oh well good luck with convencing your husband ;)
Thanks It matches my dog:)
I had a boxer once...great dog! Not, of course, as great as a Cairn Terror (oops...Terrier) or a Golden Retriever!! Well...since you don't have a problem cleaning Tank's ears, you will LOVE cleaning Sundance's ears...all I can say is...get out of the line of fire when Sundance shakes his head after those ear cleanings!!
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