Saturday, June 30, 2012

CAMP 2012!!

Goodness gravy! I cannot believe that Camp is already over!:( This year is just plain flying by.
I dont really know the right words to describe camp this year.... the moves of God were so...intense and life changing that to really understand it you needed to be there.

Bro Jones did a wonderful job of preaching the night services. I believe it was the first night that he preached about the "Consequences of Forgiven Sin" he talked about David and how his adultery with Bathsheba affected his whole life, even though God forgave him. Sin has consequences even when it is covered by God's blood. The best way to avoid these consequences are to avoid the sin. Such a simple concept but so true; it is unrealistic for a young person to think that they can walk away from God, enjoy the world for a while and then come back with out having some repercussions to deal with.

Wednesday night Bro Jones talked about Jacob and how God did not just change his name but also his nature. Bro Jones told us that God could not change us until we were willing to admit to him who we are or were. For some, this is a hard thing to do, we are so used to hiding who we really are, our failures, and our pain that God can not touch us. Only when we remove all pretence and admit to him who we are, can he step in and make us what he wants us to be.

Thursday night was just as amazing as the previous two nights but there was no preaching. We had several people receive the Holy Ghost including one of our bus kids.

Friday morning was probable the simplest but the one I needed the most. Bro Jones kinda just tought us a simple lesson, not something new to me but it was a concept that just clicked. He used Gal. 5:16 "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." As I said this is not a new lesson but I finally realized that the things that I struggle with and decisions that I face can be overcome and made easer by walking in the Spirit. Each service was wonderful and very impacting.

NOWWW what would a post about camp be with out pictures?!?!?! I did not take that many this year but here are some of the better ones.....

Me and my Frieeenndd....Marissa ...Tuesday night.

The breakfest of champs....Chocolate gravy and biscuts...YUmmm YUMMMM!

Wednesday's theme this year was parts, plaids, and we are, all pigtailed and plaided out ;)
Dana, Marissa and yours truly

Sis Jones did and amazing job with the chior this year. My favorite song that we did was by far "Cover Me"

Wednesday for crafts the girls made (or attempted to make) ruffled cardigans from T-shirts...well some of us did it lookes like Brittany was taking a nap :P

Marissa and Brittany at dinner time on Thursday....let me stop right here and say Sis Hope is the BEST COOK EVER! I know all the young people appreciate all her hard work to feed us at camp.

Miss Rachel and I... and Jonathan... Congratulations on getting Camper of the Year Rachel!

Thursday night after Church....

Candace and I at the Talent show. Side note: the Talent Show was really good. We have some very talented young people in out church.  

Of course Marissa and I had to take a normal picture of ourselves ;)

Getting all close and personal in chior practice. Good thing we all use deoderent....

Ashlynn and I after Friday night church. We were twinkies!! I love this kid so very much!

Well that is not even half of Camp 2012 but I am sure that some one else will cover what I have left out. So for all of you blog stalkers keep stalking to get the rest of the story :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

Today is your birthday
 Happy, happy birthday,
Today is your birthday
Happy Happy

Brittany, my friend, you are the best. What else can I say?
I am so excited that you are now joining the ranks of the old maid brigade :)
In honor of your 20th birthday I dug around and found these...

Midnight invasions of Wal-Mart in Branson GUURRRR!!!

I think we were at a stop light...I think....


Why is it that almost every picture is a goofy one???

OK so now in other news Saturday I ran the color run. Well we actually walked it....there were so many people there that there was not enough room to run. I was not able to get very many good pictures because I wrapped my phone in plastic to protect it. But here is the one I took.
For those of you who don't know, the color run is a 5k run (3.2 miles). For each K that you run, they spray you with a colored powder that sticks to you and your cloths. As you can see by the end we were "one hot mess" (those are Brittany's exact words).

Come back later for a recap of YOUTH CAMP!!! I am so excited! Cant wait!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

List of Funnies :)

Waaallll Howdy my silent friends! Summer is well under way and I am busy busy. I am currently on the hunt for a new job. I do not know any person alive that likes the process of job hunting, me personally I hate it. I tend to get tongue tied and at a loss of words when it comes to talking to a prospective employer. One of the hardest things about the application process is the ridiculous questions. For example, the one I filled out today asked me "What are your short term employment goals?" WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN!?!??! I am not looking for short term employment....that is why I am applying for a full time position....

Anyhoo here are some more pictures I found on my favorite app ever...LOLPICS.

Funniest thing about this one is the kid looks just like a friend from fourth grade...Marvin.

For those of you who don't know this guy takes the lyrics of songs and puts them in oldish English. This one is the "I throw my hands up in the air sometimes...."

This one makes me it is supposed to... I found it just after Tyler proposed to Rae. He had a hard time deciding how he was going to ask her but he kept saying he wanted to do something unusual. I found all kinds of wonderful ways to propose...spent hours of my time trying help him out...and what do you think he did...he took her to the rose garden. How un-unusual is that :)

AHHH one thing I forgot... I ran my first 5k Friday. 40:08 BABY!! I did not however run like I stole something. I shuffled like a overweight untrained person :) While we were running (I ran it with Marissa) an old lady plodded up beside us and said, "Is it hard to run in a skirt?" I had to bite my tongue cause I really wanted to respond, "Is it hard to run when you are so old?" but I did not. I kept my Holy Ghost, put a smile on my face and was kind to her.

All my lefties say HAAAAYY!!!

Oh YEaH! I am so going to see the Lion King when it comes to Tulsa next year. 

Docs orders people...who am I to argue with a highly educated individual :)