Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Swirlies Strips and a Sunset

I promised some pictures from my latest creative kick, so here they come. Marissa and Brittany came over last Saturday night and we Tye-dyed some shirts and socks. It was a BLAST!!
This is Brittany's Shirt. I LOVE it because the swirl starts somewhere other than the middle.

This is Marissa's Shirt. If you look hard you can see the darker strips where the folds were.

This is MY shirt! Not what I was expecting but It is still cool!

These are the socks we did. I needed new socks to wear to work and did not want to ruin my reputation and show up with plain white socks!

OK so that covers the swirlies and strips, now for the sunset. I am going to tell y'all something that most of you do not know and that my family knows all to well......When I get bored I can get....uh....annoying...I know what most of you are thinking. "ANNOYING?!?!?! Not Brooke!" (at least that is what you are suppose to think) Welllllll...When I am bored I dont have anything to do. Profound huh...So typically I will pace around my house sing at the top of my voice....Songs like...."THIS IS A SONG FOR THE PREGNANT KITTY. SHE'S FELLIN' NAUSEOUS AND A WEEK PAST DUE!!!! (good thing I can not yodel :) This is only one way of entertaining my self. SO in order to save the sanity of all around me I agreed to pick up a hobby, painting. Now understand I am no Artist. I just like to do something constructive with my hands that would not require me to swing a hammer(ouch). I have painted a few canvas and they are OK but I recently decided to try my hand at water colors. It is is my first attempt...

Everything that I read said to try a silhouette first. So I did. It was weighed in the balance and found wanting.....the cactus look like alien hands and the head looks like it is growing out of the ground....Needless to say it is back to the drawing bored for me.


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