Okay, so Marissa and Brittany came over last night and spent the night. WE HAD A BLAST!!! Well kinda. Marissa and Britt spent the night fighting about who Brittany thinks Marissa should marry. Marissa got her dogs in a pile and spent the rest of the night pouting. JK! They only had a slight difference of opinions. :) Wait let me back up and start at the beginning of the night. Marissa had to work till 11 so me and Brittany meet at the mall for dinner and some quick shopping. (In case you are wondering I found a pair of shoes that I really want from Dillard's but they are $48 and that is to much to pay for a pair of casual shoes.) Then we went to Michael's and loaded up on stuff for black light night and went to my house. Here are the results of our hard work with fabric paint and a t-shirt.

Skipping a lot of juicy conversation (What is said at my house stays at my house sorry guys) we were getting ready for bed. By now it was close to one o'clock in the morning and, we were all tired.....As we were preparing for bed I made a comment to Brittany about my sheets pealing and flaking. Marissa turned to me and said something like....."I love flakes on my sheets!"
We died laughing :) No it is not as funny now but it was hysterical then! Glad my sheets are not rainbow or anything like that :)
Hey I have a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming so stay tuned :)

HAHAHA. That was hysterical. The comment she made before was even funnier.
It kinda scared me sleeping with her after she said that. I made sure to sleep on the VERY FAR side of the bed.
Thanks for having us! It was a blast!
LOL!!! I wanted so bad to post what she said but....since this is a family friendly blog...
HA!! It wouldn't have scared you if your mind hadn't been in the GUTTER! :) lol I was just being honest!! :) lol The whole night was a blast! Even though Britt is trying to get me married off to some TOTAL DOOFUS! (well, not TOTAL! bc he IS a nice guy....but there's just none of those likey-lovey feelings with him! And I'm pretty sure there needs to be at least an OUNCE of attraction in a relationship...and I'm pretty sure that I have ZERO for this guy!) But yeah...thanks, Britt for your concern of my love life (or lack thereof! lol).
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