Good gracious, what a week or two it has been since I posted last! I have been to Texas, started school, and had some fun at What n the Word. Starting at the beginning....Texas was great. I enjoyed the chance to get out of town and see some new scenery. And what scenery there was to see :) The part of Texas that we went to was a part that I have not been to in years, if ever. We drove down into one of the canyons to see the play TEXAS and I was amazed at the beauty of the canyons. It was like being back in Colorado.... but different. The play was good but would have been better if we had not been sitting so close to the stage. I posted some pictures of the canyon but they do not do it justice.

My parents in the entrance of the Theater.
The top of the canyon as viewed from our seats.
Monday after returning from Texas school started. I am enrolled in four classes two in class and two fast track on line classes. What that means is in the first eight weeks I will be taking Humanities I, Speech, and Intro to Physc (this is my online class) and in the last eight weeks the Intro to Physc will be replaced with Computer Concepts. So far the classes are ok. My professors and class mates are are interesting people.
Friday night we did What in the Word and played a few games. Pictures to follow.....
Say Cheese Kelsi!

Tyler trying to find HIS shoes

Carter giving his momma kisses

Jonathan playing Airhead

Also while playing Airhead

That is all for now........Later
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