Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Festival!!!!!!

Bonfires an' chili dowgs!!! Did we ever have a good time at the annual Fall Festival! Unfortunately I arrived a hour late so I missed some of the festivities but I was there for the Three legged race, the eating, seed sucking contest, and the hay ride. Here are some pics from the night.

Jeron and Tyler looking good in their hats
I say Tyler looks good but he really looks kinda like a sour pickle (grump:)
Okay so the story behind this picture is this..... last year I wore the green hoodie to the fall festival. On the way home I was sitting in the back of the van by the window beside Marissa. We were all talking and goofing off, being a bunch of girls, when all the sudden I noticed that Marissa was looking sick....she kept kinda letting her head roll around like she could not control it, but when we asked, she said she was fine. To make a long story shorter, she ended up throwing up all over me and the seat. I will give her credit, she did try to aim over the back seat. So any way we had nothing in the van for her to wipe her face on so I took my hoodie off and let her wipe up with it.
We had to get a picture this year with my puke hoodie....cant say I wont give a friend the shirt off my back :)

Dont really know why the picture but it is a cute one

Miss Kristen and I. Loved her hat!

Bro and Sis Waldrep on the hay ride (oh and Jonathan :)

I think this was taken while we were doing the seed sucking contest
No idea what I was doing......

Lauren, Maddison, Misael, and Justin

Tyler and I (this is the first time I saw him in his hat....not to bad)

Kelsi, me and Brittany

I must say a great big THANKS to all the adults that helped put this together, and to Pastor and Sis Howard for letting us use their property and facilities :)


Marissa Wilson said...

HAA!! Thank you, Brooke!! :) I loved the part where you said "she kept letting her head roll around like she couldn't control it..." HA! That was NOT fun!! :O And, thanks for being a great friend!! Love ya!!

Brooke Ford said...

NO it was not fun at the kinda scared me!!!But it is ok to laugh at it now :)