Saturday, September 25, 2010
A Post of First
This is the first time that I realized that first can not be made into a plural....firsts....firstes....
Friday was the first day that I worked in the back by myself...sniff...Amanda (the tech that I was working) with moved to Alabama to live with her boyfriend. Although we did hire someone else to work Monday-Thursday, it is another guy, Tom :( now I will be surrounded by males....very...uh....mature ones at that (I don't want to call them old cause I don't know if any of them read this :) I am not worried about handling the work by myself it is easy enough but now there will be no one to share the time with....if that makes sense.....
Friday night was also the first night that I spent house sitting for some friends. The first night at a new place is always a little rough but the house is great and the two dogs are a blast. They have one Golden Retriever and one Cairn Terrier who are very well trained and lovable dogs. The Golden is hilarious, he will have a small red ball in his mouth that he will not give to me and when I throw the stuffed bird for the terrier he will go and get that too and walk around with both toys in his mouth.Today after our walk I sat down on the floor in the living room and he came and laid across my lap with a treat in his mouth...big o' lap dog :)
And Finally the First that I am most excited about....
This is the first post on MY Laptop!!!!!! Yep I finally bought my very own laptop! Now I do not have to share with Tyler and argue about who gets it when to work on homework. WE can both wait until the night before and not worry about the other having it. :) Life is good!!!
Oh almost forgot I had Ramon noodles for the first time too.....
Adios mi amigos :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Swirlies Strips and a Sunset
This is Marissa's Shirt. If you look hard you can see the darker strips where the folds were.
OK so that covers the swirlies and strips, now for the sunset. I am going to tell y'all something that most of you do not know and that my family knows all to well......When I get bored I can get....uh....annoying...I know what most of you are thinking. "ANNOYING?!?!?! Not Brooke!" (at least that is what you are suppose to think) Welllllll...When I am bored I dont have anything to do. Profound huh...So typically I will pace around my house sing at the top of my voice....Songs like...."THIS IS A SONG FOR THE PREGNANT KITTY. SHE'S FELLIN' NAUSEOUS AND A WEEK PAST DUE!!!! (good thing I can not yodel :) This is only one way of entertaining my self. SO in order to save the sanity of all around me I agreed to pick up a hobby, painting. Now understand I am no Artist. I just like to do something constructive with my hands that would not require me to swing a hammer(ouch). I have painted a few canvas and they are OK but I recently decided to try my hand at water colors. It is is my first attempt...
Everything that I read said to try a silhouette first. So I did. It was weighed in the balance and found wanting.....the cactus look like alien hands and the head looks like it is growing out of the ground....Needless to say it is back to the drawing bored for me.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thinking to hard
Why the sun lightens our hair but darkens our skin?
unless you are a person like me...then the sun lightens your hair and your skin...guess I can not help it... I am just a white girl and noting will change that... not the sun or lots even of chocolate
Why is it that doctors call what they do 'practice'?
Oh speaking of doctors....I have decided that I am never going to be put to sleep for a medical procedure. Why??!?!? Because of all the things we do to dogs while they are asleep! I will not give anyone an opportunity to do any of that to me. Just in case you do not know, when put to sleep the people around you can do ANYTHING to you that they want and chances are you will never know unless you see it on the Internet later. I mean, doing it to a dog is one thing but.....a person is a totally different matter.....talking for them, making them tell stories with their paws/hands, fixing their hair, making them dance....
done with the soap box
back to the Ever Wonders....
oh never mind none of them are all that good.
Coming of my latest artist efforts, Tye-dying, and a water color picture!!
Maybe by then I will have some thing earth shattering to tell....
till then TOODLES!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
All of you know that I am a full time student at Tulsa Community College. TCC offers a tuition waiver every year to all who apply as long as funds last. I applied for this waiver at the beginning of this year. If I were to get this waiver I would not have to pay tuition for two semesters. If I did not get it then I would pay on average about $850 per semester just for tuition. The months drug on and I never head a word from TCC, I just assumed that I do not get my waiver turned in on time.
Today I went to make a payment on my bill and when I handed her my card instead of asking me how much I wanted to pay she just said, "Your total is $370.40." and swiped my card....I was like, OK that is weird, normally they let you set the amount you want to pay....
So when I got home I logged onto TED and looked at my account.......GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?
I was fully expecting to pay over a thousand dollars for this semester not including books. Now I have lots of money in my savings account that I don't know what to do with!! :)
Got any Ideas for me??????
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I am in LOVE!!!!!

#1 item on my Christmas list: A BOXER!!!! a real live one!! named MaC GRUFF ;)
(Why I posted this I do not know....just so you know:)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! (except it is not so big any more)*sigh*

You see I was going to post just this picture and let you wander what in the world was going on, but... it did not work that way. As you can see by using a few extra props it would appear that I am pregnant, but of course I am not....THANK GOODNESS!!!
*SIGH* that was a big disappointment. Anywho...not much has been going on in my life that is to terribly exciting that all four of the people that read my blog don't know about already...
Oh wait!!! I cannot pass up an opportunity to razz my bro. My brother and his brother, from another mother, went to Texas this weekend.
What, pray tell do you think two guys go to Texas for???
Well since I can not hear what you are saying/thinking I will just tell you....THEY WENT TO GO SHOPPING!!! UGHHHHH! Two GUYS. I did not think that guys were suppose to like shopping but these two spend more time at the mall than I do..... Who ever they marry is going to love them. I can just see it now.... Tyler in 25 years saying to his brand new bride, "Hey pumpkin since I love you so much and you have been working so hard I think I will take you shopping today. NOw I know that we have been to the mall the last three nights in a row but hey you never know they might have that pair of shoes you want on sale." :) Got to love my brother!