Shoooweeeee blogie! This last weekend was WONDERFUL!!Let me start with Wednesday night and tell the whole story....
Wednesday night after church i peddled home fast as LuAnne would take me. Once there I spent an hour and a half choosing and folding the clothes that I would take with me. I love packing but I tend to over this case I could not decide what to take so I just took it all :) After packing I took a very long and very HOT shower. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw this....
Wednesday Morning we meet at the church at 7:30 in the morning to head down to the promise land.... TEXAS!!!! Home Sweet Home....
Marissa and I had the WHOLE back seat to our selves:)
Here is most of the group standing in the parking lot of a gas this time we were all feeling a little tippy from being cooped up :)

Check out the Baby Blues!!! Carter was a wonderful traveling partner.

Once we got to Dallas we went straight to Grapevine Mills Mall for a late lunch and some shopping.

Thursday night was the first church service. Bro Micalip (I know this is not spelled right:) preached about the difference of the Plagues of God and the Wonders of God. Sometimes in life we don't understand what is happening or why but instead of pointing our finger at God and blaming him we need to trust in him and believe he is working for our good. He talked about the difference of the views on the ten plagues inflicted on the Egyptians. For the Egyptians they were plagues but for the Hebrews they were wonders, even though the world seemed to be falling down around them, it was for their benefit.
After service I snapped this picture of Cindy....She is so stinking cute :) While I am on the subject of Cindy, let me say THANK YOU to Brandon and Cindy for going with us.
Kelsi and Kristen

AAGGHHH!!! This picture makes me feel extremely OLD!!!! I changed this kid's diapers and now he is in First Grade.....Presenting Cayden Cheek.

Friday morning Bro Burgess preached That's How We Roll. The main idea of his message was maintaining a zeal for God despite the lack thereof in the world. We dress modestly while the rest of the world shows off as much as they can but that is just how we roll. We spend time on our knees in prayer instead of drinking and drugging but that is just how we roll. After Bro Burgess' message Bro Bow preached about Josiah and the revival he lead in his life time. At the beginning of his message he said "I am here to tell some young person that you are not to young to be used by God."
Brittany and Kristen...I am proud of you two for traveling together and coming out of it alive :)


Bro Jeron...can yo believe he ate this in front of us and did not even offer to share....Shame on him :)
Check out the Baby Blues!!! Carter was a wonderful traveling partner.
Once we got to Dallas we went straight to Grapevine Mills Mall for a late lunch and some shopping.
Thursday night was the first church service. Bro Micalip (I know this is not spelled right:) preached about the difference of the Plagues of God and the Wonders of God. Sometimes in life we don't understand what is happening or why but instead of pointing our finger at God and blaming him we need to trust in him and believe he is working for our good. He talked about the difference of the views on the ten plagues inflicted on the Egyptians. For the Egyptians they were plagues but for the Hebrews they were wonders, even though the world seemed to be falling down around them, it was for their benefit.
After service I snapped this picture of Cindy....She is so stinking cute :) While I am on the subject of Cindy, let me say THANK YOU to Brandon and Cindy for going with us.
Kelsi and Kristen
AAGGHHH!!! This picture makes me feel extremely OLD!!!! I changed this kid's diapers and now he is in First Grade.....Presenting Cayden Cheek.
Friday morning Bro Burgess preached That's How We Roll. The main idea of his message was maintaining a zeal for God despite the lack thereof in the world. We dress modestly while the rest of the world shows off as much as they can but that is just how we roll. We spend time on our knees in prayer instead of drinking and drugging but that is just how we roll. After Bro Burgess' message Bro Bow preached about Josiah and the revival he lead in his life time. At the beginning of his message he said "I am here to tell some young person that you are not to young to be used by God."
I love this picture...the contrast of colors is great
Brittany and Kristen...I am proud of you two for traveling together and coming out of it alive :)
Friday night Bro Bow preached again. This time his title was Shiginoth. What is a Shiginoth you ask? Well a Shiginoth is a Dithyramb! You are still confused arn't you? Here let me put it in English for you. A Shiginoth is a Dithyramb and a Dithyramb is a passionate speech or song. Bro Bow has officially made my Favorite preacher list.
Miss Chastity herself...Love ya girl
Miss Chastity herself...Love ya girl
Kelsi Dakota and Jonathan after the Lock-In
Bro Jeron...can yo believe he ate this in front of us and did not even offer to share....Shame on him :)
Poor Carter....Yes he was a wonderful baby but he was also EXHAUSTED! He passed out and did not stir until he was placed in his car seat.
Sis Short and I in the lobby after the Lock-In
Kristen trying to talk the others into playing spin the bottle...yeah that is funny at 4 O'clock in the morining.
I have to say this was by far the BEST Winter Heritage I have ever been to. Not only did I meet some great people but the Services were incredible.
Saturday morning the young people left at 9:30ish to meander their way home. I on the other hand did not...cause that is just how I roll :)
Most of you know that I was privileged to have been born in Texas and much of my family still lives there. So since we were so close and we have not seen them in a long time Dana Tyler and I drove down to Stephenville to to spend some time with Nana (my Dads mom) and my Uncle and Aunt and family. I LOVE MY FAMILY they are a lot of fun to be around.
No, your eyes do not deceive you that is Tyler with a kid in his lap. That gorgeous little guy in his lap is Skyler my cousins son. He is a genuine cornball :) Skyler never meets a stranger... I mean never. For example we were at Target and he preceded to direct buggy cart traffic telling everyone where to go and when.
Now I have saved the best part for last. On this trip I meet Carson Mooney and it was love at first sight. He has huge blue eyes and thick brownish red hair. Yes of course I did get a Picture
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