Monday, January 31, 2011

Love Hate Relationships

I LOVE the snow...I HATE being home bound. I LOVE snow days from school....I HATE research papers that are due via email. I LOVE snow days from school....I HATE not getting to go to work (I know crazy huh). They say it is good to have a balanced life, well I guess I have the love and hate part of life covered :)kinda

Speaking of snow....This is looking out of our back door.

As my toes see it :P
I should have taken a picture of the back of my grandparents house. The snow has drifted up as high as their windows and holds that depth for several feet.

Look closely....that there thing sticking up out of the snow is none other than Tyler's trailer.

Aw! check it out! Luann got a face lift...well it was more like a ear job. She is the one on the left.

The reports said we got anywhere from 14 to 20 inches of snow. Kinda looks like Christmas to me:)


Kristen said...

HAHA, i got a laugh at Sister Luann's new face lift, er ear job whatever more whatchamacallit hangy downy thingys. =D TEEHEE!! THANKS!! LOL =D

Matt Rodgers said...

I love how all you girls have names for your cars! Betsy, Whelma, and now Luann! Wow!

The Bundys said...

AW! Luann looks SO pretty now!! She got her ear all fixed and can hear anything and everything! GO LUANN! We all need a little cheering every now and then:)