Tuesday, January 11, 2011


WEEELLLLLL.......where to begin...that is the question.....I know it is time for another blog but I am not quite sure what to blog about. So I will just blog what ever comes to mind (this could be interesting for y'all :)

School started Monday and right off the bat my Humanities prof gave us a LOOONG reading assignment and a paper to write...due the second day of class. YEhAw!(that is said with major sarcasm...in case you are wondering) I am also taking Nutrition, Intro to Psychology, and Computer Concepts. I have one thing about school that confuses me, well maybe not just one thing...I spend most of my time confused I think:).....Why do they say you are taking 12 hours of classes (four classes) when it takes 48 hours to do all the home work required for those four classes?

Moving on to brighter things, I got a new cell phone! YEAHZERS for NEW PHONEs! I am really moving up in the technological world. I got the LG Optimise and I love it. One of the first things I downloaded was the game Angry Birds. It is SOOO addictive, I spend way to much time playing it...

While looking through pictures of this last year I found these......

Yes my dear bloggies, that is a pair of scrub pants....YOu see Britt and I were spending the night at Mariss' house and Bro Kip (Marissa's Dad) brought this pair of scrub pants into the living room and was like look what I found at work. We died laughing and Marissa said I bet we could both fit into them! So that is just what we did :)
3X's baby!!
While going through the pictures I found some more jewels that I will share with you later :P


The Bundys said...

WOW! haha....I remember that night. That was SO hilarious. Wow...good times:)

Brooke Ford said...

LOL! Yeah they were HUGE! It was a good time....seems like we made lots of good times last year:P