Yep them be apple dumplings my friends. THEY WERE AMAZING!! (anyone notice that I said were? Yep they are now gone. I am glad to announce that I only ate half of one) I have never made them before so it was a new experience for me. As usual, when I am in the kitchen I had stuff every where. I have a bad habit of wiping my hands on my pants and backside, so by the end of the cooking class I had flour hand prints on my black sweatpants. Very stylish let me tell you:)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Twas the Night Before Finals.....
Yep them be apple dumplings my friends. THEY WERE AMAZING!! (anyone notice that I said were? Yep they are now gone. I am glad to announce that I only ate half of one) I have never made them before so it was a new experience for me. As usual, when I am in the kitchen I had stuff every where. I have a bad habit of wiping my hands on my pants and backside, so by the end of the cooking class I had flour hand prints on my black sweatpants. Very stylish let me tell you:)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Playin Catch Up!
The Fair was the usual fun, go and walk around people watching and of course eating. Let me see if I can remember all that I ate....corn on the cob, apple fries, stake fingers with gravy, fries, a shish kabob (ha don't think that is spelled right ;), a fried green bean (which was very good), a red velvet cupcake, and of course I had...
I feel that I should mention that I went to the fair TWO times so I did not eat that all in one day. This here is a pic of the apple fries...They were amazing!
..........One month later I am going to finish this post and publish it:)
Today is Thanksgiving and I am working.....six hours cut into two shifts. I am the only one here for the majority of time so I brought my headphones so I could listen to the Bill Cosby station on Pandora. Just let me say that is some good stuff:) So there I am in an empty clinic with a bunch of barking dogs and my headphones are in on full blast.....Jeff Foxworthy is making a bunch of funnies in my ear and I am CRACKING UP!!! Now remember I have in headphones.....The next thing I know, I hear, "BROOKE ARE YOU OK?"......busted...of course I was not doing anything wrong but I still felt guilty. So I spin around yanking out the headphones to see Dr. Prisinzano coming around the corner with a look of deepest concern. He thought I was crying....Once he realized what was going on he laughed so hard his face turned red. I know my face was BEET RED. Why I don't know...However, points scored for me...I made my boss laugh at 9:00 in the morning and I confirmed his suspicions that I was completely crazy.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and may all the calories you consume be passed on to the skinniest member of the family ;)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
No matter, Life has defiantly taken a turn for the weird...well the weirder (I know that does on make any since but that is the best word that I could come up with).
My third year in college started in August and what a semester it is going to be. I have the energizer bunny as a professor at 9:30 in the morning...Just in case you are wondering that is NOT a good thing. She talks 90 to nothing and expects us to catch it all. IT IS 9:30 IN THE MORNING!!! Ok I know that it is not that early, I mean it could have been an 8:00 class, but still there is something about sitting in a class with the lights off watching her mouse zoom around on her computer and listening to her go on and on and on and on and on.....IT PUTS ME TO SLEEP.
Next comes Spanish...and Marissa says YEAH!!! (Is there a way to say Yeah in Spanish?) First day I learned a new favorite word...pavo. It is a nice safe word to call someone/thing and it works best if they dont know what it means :)
Then, to end my class day I have Art Appreciation. My excitement going in to this class was a lot more than it is now that I am four weeks into it. So far we have watched three movies taken two vocabulary tests and...THAT IS IT!!!! If I did not need this class so bad I would drop it.
Other that that life is nothing more than work, teaching P.E, work, church, and more work on the weekends. Oh and car trouble....but dont get started on that. If you are interested ask me how to drive in a torrential down pour with no windshield wipers.
Fun times...Yes sir'ee bob.
More later :)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Motherly Advice......
Monday, August 15, 2011
Birthday Wishes
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Time Flies
This one too...When I brought him home he was just a butterball of a puppy. He could not even climb up the back step.
NOW look at him...
Ram and Chloe are best of friends...
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The Best National Holiday EVER!!!!

I officially have a new favorite holiday :)
Happy Cheesecake Day!!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Jessica and I at orientation...oh and Brooklyn too :)
Ahhhh! there she is...Miss Brooklyn herself.
Betcha cant pop my a ice breaker we played a game where you had to tie a balloon around your ankle and do your best to keep it from getting popped while popping others balloons. I think Marissa won.
Adam Jonathan and I think that is Brandon....
Wednesday was Cowboy and Indian day so we all duded up and took some pictures....from left to right... Baily Marissa Kristen myself Brittany (the only Indian) and Shenay.
Thursday morning the tiredness was just too much for Miss Ebony....should have skipped breakfast ;)
Baily and Brittany on Thursday in their nerd outfits...
Revenge of the Nerds.....Bro Short said "Take a goofy picture..." and this is what I got...
Best of the nerds...
Carter and I Thursday night after church with my helmet from the year I received camper of the year...
Brittany Marissa and I...I am pretty sure I could find a picture very similar to this from 04 if I looked really hard....
Thursday night the camp staff surprised us with a time of games and a small bonfire to roast marshmallows. One of the games was finding a life saver in a plate full of whipped cream...made for great pictures...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Catch Up
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Memories of a Wonderful Time
I sat down and read my whole speech in the process of typing this and I could not help smiling. Oh these were the good times....
Sunday, May 22, 2011
New Grobonite
Oh lookie, we are back to the small stage in the center of the floor. I tried to get a picture of the bodyguards that chased him around all night but they stayed in the dark as much as possible. One of them was a really big guy that was cracking me up...I almost expected to see him talking in to his watch...or pull out a FBI jacket :)
Sorry these are so far away....
He did my two favorite songs of the night on the little stage....Galileo and Awake....
This would be me and Marissa....Not a great picture of me but I thought it was cool that you could see all the people in the background.
:) Marissa and I spent the night laughing, listening, and leaning away from each other....just in case people might mistake us for a couple :)