Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Time Flies

My, My, how time does fly....Do you realize that we only have four months until Christmas?(YEAHZERS!!!! i love Christmas) On the other hand it has been only five months since I went to pick up Ramsey. I cannot believe how much he has grown, wiggled, and licked his way into my heart. This picture was taken two days before my twentieth birthday....

This one too...When I brought him home he was just a butterball of a puppy. He could not even climb up the back step.

NOW look at him...



Ram and Chloe are best of friends...

In other news, school starts in three weeks and I am sooooooo ready! I know... I know, it was not to long ago that I was counting down the weeks until school was OVER...Now I am so board that I am looking forward to the start of school and a new routine. My classes this semester are, Computer Concepts, Art Appreciation, and Spanish I.

Last semester SHOULD have ended in me getting my associates degree, however I love school so much that I decided to cram two years of school in to three :)

Enjoy the rest of your summer and don't put off your Christmas shopping ;)

1 comment:

Marissa Wilson said...

YEEEEAAHH!! Go Spanish!! Woop woop! ;)