Monday, May 16, 2011

Life Goes On

NO I dont have anything earth shattering to share. Since I last posted I have finished another semester of college, worked for two weeks straight, and my grandmother has moved in for a month. Needless to say life has been anything BUT boring. Each and every day at work is a new experience.

Side note: Who ever came up with employee reviews is a JERK with too much time on their hands;)

Nana being here with us means I get to sleep at Granni and Granddaddy's while they are gone. I have not yet decided if I like living by myself. Oh and I can not forget, Nana means CINNAMON ROLLS!!! Eat your heart out world :P

Just for the fun of it...

My lop eared son :)


Short Ramblings said...

Ummm...... Remember your 'Ol pal Sis. Short while you are eating a cinnamon roll.... come to think of it, it would be REALLY nice to have one RIGHT after Avalynn is born... *hint hint* *wink wink*...

Whitney Ward said...

mmmmmmmm... I just ate one of your nana's cinnamon rolls at the school!!!! It was a taste of heaven!!!! Tell her thank you and give her a big hug for me!! ;+)

Marissa Wilson said...

Aww my lop-eared nephew is getting big!! :)