Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Grobonite

Oh yes we did!! Marissa and I went to Josh Groban's concert Friday night. IT wAs AMazINg!!! I have only heard a few of his songs and have never gone out of my way to listen to his music soooo... I was not really sure what to expect. But, boy howdy, can he ever deliver. THAT DUDE CAN SING!! Not only is he a good singer but he is also a wonderful performer. Groban's voice can bring you to tears (from its awesomeness or from the loudness of the sound system;) while he is singing and then he can have you laughing so hard your ribs hurt seconds after the song is over.

One thing I found out about him during the the case of a zombie apocalypse he plans on covering himself in crunchy peanut butter and hopping it will be over really fast:)

Josh made his entrance directly below us and started the concert on a small raised stage in the middle of the crowed.

AnD this picture is out of order but it is to much trouble to fix so deal with it...Dear blogspot, do us all a favor and figure out an easier way to organize pictures on a blog. Thanks, Frustrated Picture Poster

The backdrop for the stage was a white wall that looked very... greekish... with a broken arch and white material draped across one side. BUT as you can see in this picture they used it like a projection wall. It was an ocean...window...and the inside of a machine. Basically he coordinated the backdrop with the songs.

Oh lookie, we are back to the small stage in the center of the floor. I tried to get a picture of the bodyguards that chased him around all night but they stayed in the dark as much as possible. One of them was a really big guy that was cracking me up...I almost expected to see him talking in to his watch...or pull out a FBI jacket :)

Sorry these are so far away....

He did my two favorite songs of the night on the little stage....Galileo and Awake....

This would be me and Marissa....Not a great picture of me but I thought it was cool that you could see all the people in the background.

:) Marissa and I spent the night laughing, listening, and leaning away from each other....just in case people might mistake us for a couple :)

1 comment:

Marissa Wilson said...

best concert. ever.
end of story :)