Monday, July 26, 2010

Good Times

Shoo!! The Heritage 2010 trip was Super-De-Duperdy AWESOME!!!(Pardon the uh....wordage :) The trip started at 5:30 on Monday morning... I did not even know that 5:30 came twice in a day! BUT it does and to all of our surprise Marissa was the first one at the church. Way to go Marissa! Since there were only eight young people going this year, all of us were able to ride in one van, making for a really interesting trip.

Welcome to COLORADO!!

Justin and Trenton catching some Z's

Carter D was wonderful the whole trip

Tuesday we spent the morning at the Alpine Slides. The slides are concrete troughs winding their way down the mountain (about 1/2 a mile). To get to the top we had to ride a ski lift thingy and once at the top we sat on a scooter type contraption and zipped our way down. NOTE: a wise thing to do is to read the instructions about operating the scooter. Other wise you are in for a crash course....literally.

Wednesday we visited the beautiful Royal Gorge. The scenery on the way to the Gorge was great, I love the mountains. Before we even got there most of us had decided that we were going to ride the Sky coaster that swings you out over the Gorge. I did it three years ago and it is an experience that I would not miss for anything. The worst part is when they pull you up to the top of the pole because you are laying face down and slowly pulled up 16 stories into the sky. After the first fall the ride is great! We flew out over the gorge with nothing holding us up but the cord attached to our harness. Too bad I was not able to take pictures of the ride ;)

Cant pass up a free ride on a Horse

The Girls...Sheila, Me, Brittany, Kristen, and Marissa

The whole clan

Wednesday night, Thursday, and Friday was spent in a whirlwind of getting ready for church, church services, eating out, and fellowshiping. The services were great, and just what I needed. Every message seemed to build on the previous. Here are a few pics....

oops...... come back later to see the pictures ;)


The Bundys said...

Shoo girl. I b likin yer superdy-de-duperdy cool pics. Shoo. :)

Marissa Wilson said...

Shoooooo, gurl. Monday morning was FIVE am...not 5:30. I just thought I'd let you know that! ;) lol

Brooke Ford said...

5 or 5:30 what is the differance? They are both Super de duperdy early! but thanks for the correction :)