SOooooo long time no talk....type....sorry for being neglectful of you my friend. Truth is I have been in a sort of funk. BUT I will not go into that. Instead I will tell you of the good things in on let me think........OH YEAH! Marissa had a birthday a week a Wednesday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAREEESSSSAAAA! As a sort of celebration of my birthday on the 4th and hers on the 6th we decided to leave behind T-town and get out on our own....for the weekend :)
Marissa Brittany and I took a trip to Branson, Mo all by our lonesomes. I must say It was a blast...for the most part..huh Marissa:) We left Friday after we all got off of work and made it to Branson around 10:40. I was a little concerned about us making it there safely given the driving records that all of us so proudly hold...but we made it with out any MaJoR incidents.
Saturday we spent the day in therapy sessions...I mean we went shopping. And Boy Howdy did we ever shop. I love shopping in Branson we found lots of good stuff
Here we are Saturday night .
Also on Saturday we went to Dixie Stampede. Let me say...I should have been a cowgirl:) I love the smell of a barn (not the dirty manure smell) the smell of hay mixed with horse and leather. The food was great and the show was even better. Unfortunately we dont have any pictures of us there at Dixie.
After the show and some more shopping we went to Dairy Queen for some more therapy... I mean for some ice cream.
This is one of the few serious pictures we took.

SOrry the pictures are so fuzzy and no bueno. Guess that is what I get for not taking pictures on my own camera
Yes that is the bathroom of our motel room....
Again at Dairy Queen
Of course we cannot take a trip with out taking a shoe picture....
On the way into Silver Dollar City
I am sure the people behind us were thankful for the free entertainment. In fact I am sure people all over Branson were entertained by us:)
NO Comments Please;O

As I said before we had a great time and plan on doing it again.....
were ya'll (or just Britt?) brushing your teeth in that pic??? AND YOUR MOMMY DIDN"T EVEN MAKE Is that what big girls do? I woulda just forgot mine altogether...=D
Just Britt! Me and riss dont have to brush our teeth, our breath smells like mint all the time no matter what. JK!!!
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