SOOOOOOOOO.....I mentioned a couple of posts back that I had found some jewels in my picture archives.....Welll here they are!!!!
Yeahzers for pictures :)
Who knew that, as a child, Marissa was a model?

I plead the fifth :) I had no idea what was so funny until I saw the picture:)
Jonathan, Me, and Trent at Heritage

This piece of art is from Winter Heritage two years ago. Bro Short was complaining that his pinkie finger was being the nice and compassionate person that I am, I whipped up a solution to his problem....a pinkie glove.

TO bad the only yarn I had available was rainbow :)
This, dear bloggie, is Brittany and I gearing up for Black light Night at youth....
Ahhhhh....What to say about this one? You know they say that a picture is worth a thousand words...Very true...We were all ready to play the seed sucking game at the Fall Festival....Kinda sounds weird I know.

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! I love the expressions on their faces!

YEhAW! This here, partners, is me and my big lil' bro at the Fall Festival.

Hold on to your top hats.....Yes that is a picture of my Father.... and yes he is looking at the camera. Many moons ago we were trying to take a picture of my dad and mom and we could not get dad to look at the camera. When I expressed my...uh...frusturation, his response was " If I look at the camera wont it give me red eye in the picture." Shooweee. Old folks and technology :)
WOW! This is service with a smile!
Actually Brent was serving the girls because the guys lost the coin drive to the girls.

HErE FiShy FisHY!
Jeron would kill me if he knew that I posted this picture!! When we took it, he offered to pay me to keep it off the newsletter....good thing I am not the kind of person that would take a bribe :)
Taking a train ride.... Must have been her first she looks a little apprehensive....

Dont let the innocent looks fool you. This is the picture that you find in the dictionary listed under TROUBLE :P

HUMMM... I am tempted to let you draw your own conclusions on this one, but....
We were spending the day at Silver Dollar City and as we were entering Sis Deborah said "NOW girls we don't want anyone to get lost so remember to hold hands at all times."

ARGGGGH Matey! One of my all time favorite pictures of the three of us! Good Times:)
Tyler Dana and myself at Tyler's after Graduation party (no wonder he is all smiley)

Gracious Goodness, if only y'all knew all the pain I went through to post all these pictures....someone needs to tell blogger their picture downloading process needs some help.