Three Girls, one trip, there are sure to be some great stories. Weelll... my Friends I just wanted to get my side of the story out there before any one else was able to :P
Let me just say that this was a very eventful trip...and that may be an understatement. We (Marissa, Brittany, and I) left T-town on Thursday afternoon after I got off of work. I had the brilliant idea of ordering pizza and eat it in the car so
1. we did not have to stop and waste time eating
2. we would have the leftovers to snack on for on the road (this proved to save our lives).
So on the road we are, and it starts snowing. Now I love the long as I don't have to drive in it. WHALEE drive in it I did. I don't remember when it started snowing but once it did, visibility was very low and the snow was blowing right at us making it worse.
I just scooted my chair as close to the dashboard as I could get and drove grannie style...and it worked, we did not slip, slid or crash. THanK the LORD! By the time we got to Springfield there was a good 2 inches on the ground and it was still coming down.
I decided to embrace my fear and let Marissa drive. I took my place in the back seat and prayed. I prayed for me and Brittany, and for GusGus. :) I am just kidding Marissa is not that bad of a driver (at least she has not hit a house :)
This is a picture taken at the gas station that we stopped at in Springfield.
Oh look here is another picture from the gas station. Yes, that is Brittany and GusGus (the cool little car in the background)
Ok, so we left Springfield some time after 9:00 pm and about thirty minuets later traffic came to a complete stop. I am not talking about a slow crawl we are being cautious, stop, I am talking, there is no moving you cannot go anywhere, kind of stop. As far as we could see ahead of us was red tail lights letting us know that the trouble was WAY ahead of us. So, there we set surrounded by semis and trucks, three defenseless girls in a sea of tail lights....(yeah that might be to dramatic of a description) fearing for our lives. One of three things could happen, we could starve to death, die of hypothermia, or be killed by the heathen truckers that surrounded us. However God had his hand on us and some angel provided sustenance (pizza) to feed our stomachs (told you it would save our lives), we had blankets and the ability to turn the heater on to keep us warm, and those heathens repented of there killer ways and turned out to be quite friendly.
After sitting in the car for an hour we dared to venture out and take some pictures and in the process learned that there was a bad wreck about thirteen miles up the road and we were not going anywhere until it was cleaned up.
So we did what any girls would do in that situation....we took pictures!
Yes I know the picture is blurry but this was our view in front of us...
Three hours later the line began to inch up and shortly after 12:00am we were once again on our way to St. Louis. We got to our Hotel around 4:00 am and went to bed....and slept and slept and slept. In fact we did not get up until late the next morning when we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch (they have great carrot sticks there by the way:) and decided to go shopping. Three hours, one GPS malfunction and numerous country roads later we reached Osage Beach Outlet mall.
This was taken on our way to the mall....most of the trip looked like this.
I know you cannot read the sign but it said "Share the road" with a pic of a horse and buggy on top. That is how far out we were.
Saturday we went to the Arch which was amazing!
Of course we took lots of pictures.
This is us before we went through security.....mean, nasty minded security (that is a story I do not care to share with the whole world).
Blue skies, white clouds and silver arch...I love this picture.
Once we got through security (I am happy to announce that I convinced the guys I was not caring a bomb strapped to my waist) we had some time to kill so we wondered through the museum that is located under ground.
Marissa kissing a cow
Me and my soldier! I love me a man in uniform :)
The next few pictures do not do the view from the top of the Arch justice. It is amazing!
This picture is my favorite from the top of the Arch because you can see the size of the lake and the shadow of the arch.
After lunch we went shopping again! This carousel was in the mall that we ended up at.
Saturday evening we spent the last hours in our hotel room listening to a story and horsing around. Brittany and Marissa had a contest to see who could hold their legs in the air for the longest. I do not remember who won....
They may kill me for posting this picture but I could not resist it was so funny!
Sunday we headed out and GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?
It SNOWED on us.......
This short summery of our trip does not even touch the top of the tons of memories made on our Trip. I know I have made fun, joked, and maybe exaggerated a weee lil bit :) but in all seriousness and truth, I have the best friends. We give each other a hard time, make fun of each other, I am sure they get frustrated with me but they are always there for me no matter what I need. I love them dearly!:)
OH and before I go...Ramsey and Chloe say Hello!!:)
1 comment:
It looks like I pooped out like five pieces of taffy under my boooty on the bed! lol. I think that was after someone threw the WHOLE bag of them at me! :D
It was mucho fun! I love my friends!!
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