Thursday, May 9, 2013

It's a BOY

A cute, happy, wiggling, adorable, heart stealing little boy!!
Let me back up and start at the beginning.

My mother's cousin and her family arrived in T-town on Thursday night all the way from Colorado Springs.  Michelle and Carlos have been to Tulsa several times in the past but this was a special trip because they brought their five month old boy, Carson with them.

Michelle (mom's cousin) was told that she would never have kids after years of trying. After a while her and her husband kind of gave up. Around that time Carlos was accepted into full time service as a Chaplin for the Army and stationed in Colorado Springs.  Not long after relocating Michelle found out that the REALLY bad case of allergies was really a miracle. She was pregnant.

Little Carson Michael is a doll, and perfect in every way!

You want pictures.... of course I have pictures!

Carson and his Great Aunt Jean

Grandad and Carson....Grandad was kinda a baby hog :)

I was kind of surprised at how much Grandad took to Carson. I have always known that he likes kids but most of the time they are scared of him (for some reason). But let me tell you Carson LOVED Grandad! Grandad would set Carson on his lap or up high on his chest (with his stomach as a pillow :) and just talk to Cater and make all kinds of faces. Carson would just laughed and talk (gibber) to Grandad, it was so cute!

Carson and Michelle. If this little boy does not make you smile
you have something wrong with you.

Breakfast Time!!

Poor Tyler he refused to hold Carson but Raelene told him to
so he kind of had no choice :)

Hey look it is Me and Carson.

Saturday Morning Dad and Tyler made breakfast for the rest of us. We had Chocolate and Biscuits, white gravy (for the weird one's who don't like Chocolate gravy) Bacon, and eggs. It was sooooooooo GOOD!

The ladies on our shopping excursion.

All ready for bed, and smiling at the camera!
(or maybe the face behind the camera :)

Ok Ok only one more picture
This was taken right after they got to our house Thursday night and little man was soooo happy to be out of his car seat.

I was so happy that we got to spend the weekend with Carlos, Michelle, and Carson.
I foresee a trip to Colorado Springs in the Ford family future :)


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