Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb. 14th

I am going to just ignore the fact that the whole world is drenched in pink and red, the atmosphere reeks of flowers, and every one has a free pass to play slap and tickle anywhere they take a fancy to. Instead I am marching through life just like any other day.

Not bitter or depressed at sir not me...


Marissa Wilson said...

:) Birds of a feather.... lol

Unknown said...

Sometimes you just need big hugs :)

Marissa Wilson said...

OOOhh...I LOVE your new background! Wish I would've seen it first ;) lol!

Brooke Ford said...

Neener neener boo boo :)

The Bundys said...

Well...achem....I saw this background like a week or so ago...but since I'm so in style and up to date....I wanted to keep my Valentine's background up.
Then lo and behold.... Brooke Ford shows up with MY BACKGROUND on her page. hmph. KNEW I had that one picked out.....


Brooke Ford said...

Shoo gur dontchu be hatein:) that is what you get for being so lovey dovey;P Oh an thanks I really like my background too

The Bundys said...

Shoo guuuuuurl. I'd rather be lovey dovey than gots a cute background. hmph.
And don't try to tell me you don't agree:):)