Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Money Spent, an Art Project, and an old Addiction :P

Here, my friends, is proof that patience does pay off. I found this awesomely cool pair of boots last year that I wanted really bad....the only problem....they were $80. Now for those of you who have never been shopping with me, let me tell you a little secret...I am a tight wad. I do not like to spend a lot of money on anything I buy. This is where the patience comes in....I put off buying the boots because I did not want to pay that much for them. BUT guess what......... this year they are on SALE!!! SO I bought them :)


While mom and I were in the store she looked down at the shoes I had on and shook her head "Brookie" she said "those shoes you have on are pitiful. They need to be burned". I looked down and felt bad for my poor shoes. I could not believe some one would say something so hurtful right in front of them. "But mom they are the best pair of shoes I have....I mean for three years they have served me well. They have been through the washing machine, fall festivals, and mud puddles and you can still tell that they are supposed to be white!" Mom gave me a look that said my shoes days were numbered and said "Lets go see what is on the sale rack"(see where I get my tight waddedness from?:) Any way... point of the story....I found a replacement for my white shoes!!!!

Okay so maybe I need some new laces for them but they are awesome! Now my shoes can Retire in peace knowing that a younger pair of shoes is taking their place.

Whoo... this is turning out to be a lot longer than I expected! But on we plunge. My newest art project...scrap tiles (I don't know the real name for it but that works for me). Basically it is a scrap book page on a tile. I made this one for a Christmas present for a family member :) (I hope Nana does not read this :)

Now I am going to say adios and indulge my self in some therapy :P

YEP it is king size :P


1 comment:

Marissa Wilson said...

The laces are the best part!! :) I think they're super cute!! :)