Saturday, July 21, 2012

Titles are overrated

I hope you enjoyed my very profound title 'cause it took my little overworked brain a long time to come up with it. It is however a very un-true statement, because if this post had a dumb title you would not click on the link to check it out. ON the other hand if it was a truly awe inspiring title you would not hesitate to click on it and read the thought provoking text that would be sure to follow. As it is you clicked on my title anyway so it served its purpose.

Pardon my rambling nonsense I am tired and over worked (the over worked part is a good thing and a bad thing. Good because I got a WONDERFUL paycheck and bad because I missed Heritage to get that paycheck). I cannot believe that Camp was three weeks ago. Oh my word how time flies when you get older (and you thought I was going to say when you are having fun...HA gotcha!) Since Camp I have started to earnestly look for a new job...kinda...Tyler moved out (more on that later) and .....goodness what other news do I have to share....oh well maybe I will have something more exciting to share some other day ;)

And now the real reason I started this post...LOL PICS!! I have this truly uplifting app that I never go a day with out checking...and because I am such a nice person I will share them...

Ok so maybe I am the only one that finds the one above funny but I nearly feel out of my bed when I read it!!

Oh look! it is my Dad's new shirt!! JUST KIDDING....kinda

Well when you put it that way it does kinda sound....eughhh!

And that my friends is for all of you stalkers that never leave comments ;)

Hope you have a grand week!

P.S. Don't feel bad....I am a blog stalker too!!!

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