Finished.....THANK GOD...I am finished. Well at least for this semester. This semester I took a Intro to Sociology class with Brittany. When I started the class I had no idea what sociology was or what I had gotten myself into. One night a week for three hours I listened and participated in a class that taught us how humans interacted with each other. We talked about everything: family, war, love and cultures. Over the course of the class we did some simple yet thought provoking activities.
For the first one she asked us to pair off and introduce ourselves, however it was not the present us that we were introducing. She wanted us to introduce ourselves as 70 year old people. She wanted to know if we were retired and what from, what our hobbies will be, if we were married, how many times we were married, kids, grandkids, and anything else. It required us to stop and think about our long term goals in life. At my age it is not that uncommon to think as far ahead as college and what kind of career I will pursue, or even as far ahead as marriage and kids. But it is not that common that I think about when I am old and senile...I mean retired;) It was an interesting exercise and something that I have thought about many times since.
The other activity was much more interesting because I was really surprised that I have not thought about doing this before. She had us take about five minutes and make a list of things we were looking for in our future spouse (or for those of them that were already married a list of the things that drew them to their spouse). Our instructor told us that she did this with most all of her classes and at one time she had a student that came up with five pages of things. Me, I had a good page of things I like in a guy (maybe someday I will share a few). It can be very eye opening to see, on paper, what you are looking for in a future spouse.
I would encourage anyone who is looking for an elective class to take at TCC to take Intro to Sociology with Dr. Dutke (yes that is spelled right).
Now it is on to the summer and all its glory. Well kinda...I have to take a summer class and find a new job. Pray Saints Pray!
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