Monday, August 22, 2011


Yeah Yeah school stated today...yada yada I already have a head ache after just three hours of the first semester so instead of boring you with the details here is something to brighten your day.....

In honor of bad this is not how it really works ;)

ANNNNNND last but not least my favorite....

Makes me smile every time I see it:)

Have a wonderful week and do not forget to find things to smile about.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Motherly Advice......

What ever you do keep your shoes poop is awful to walk around with that stuff on your shoes =)

Not that I would know or anything....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Today is my mom's birthday. It is hard for me to believe that MY MOM is turning 48....I have her stuck at 42. Why 42, I dont really know, but when someone asks how old my parents are my automatic response is "42" and then I have to stop and say "oh wait no they are not....they are almost 50"...AGGGGHHHHH!!!!! My parents are turning JUST KIDDING....kinda =)

On a more serious note. I am so very thankful for my mom. She and I have not always gotten along and we have had our tough times, but over the last few years we have gotten closer. She has been there for me when my heart was broken and when I did not understand why things were not going the way I thought they should. At times she held me while I cried and other times we cried together. She has been a great example of a mother and a wife. I LOVE YOU MOM!!

Oh yeah ......................HAPPY BIRTHDAY =)

P.S I hope the TOMS I bought you fit....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Time Flies

My, My, how time does fly....Do you realize that we only have four months until Christmas?(YEAHZERS!!!! i love Christmas) On the other hand it has been only five months since I went to pick up Ramsey. I cannot believe how much he has grown, wiggled, and licked his way into my heart. This picture was taken two days before my twentieth birthday....

This one too...When I brought him home he was just a butterball of a puppy. He could not even climb up the back step.

NOW look at him...



Ram and Chloe are best of friends...

In other news, school starts in three weeks and I am sooooooo ready! I know... I know, it was not to long ago that I was counting down the weeks until school was OVER...Now I am so board that I am looking forward to the start of school and a new routine. My classes this semester are, Computer Concepts, Art Appreciation, and Spanish I.

Last semester SHOULD have ended in me getting my associates degree, however I love school so much that I decided to cram two years of school in to three :)

Enjoy the rest of your summer and don't put off your Christmas shopping ;)