Do you have something to hold onto?
Don't scream you might scare the people around you....
I. am. about. to.......
update my blog.....
WHAT?!?!! you are disappointed? OH you were expecting some kind of earth shattering news....
Well too bad. It is not my fault that you got all excited about nothing.
I know that it has been a while so I will just start at the most recent and work from there.
This last weekend was TLC's first Music Workshop. The workshop started on Friday afternoon and was all day Saturday as well. I am not in the choir (And everyone that has ever heard me sing says THANK THA LORD!!) and I don't play an instrument so I was not in the Workshop. I do however enjoy taking care of kids, so I volunteered to watch the kiddos in the nursery.
This is what goes on in the nursery...
Brecklin sharing her raisins....photobomed by someones bum in the back ground....:D |
What is the best way to keep a kid happy?
I think the little ones that I had Friday night ate for the whole three hours.
See that black and red blur in the pic above...That is Andrew. Jeriah and Andrew were our entertainment Saturday...they keep saying 'tell us what to act like'. So I would stretch my under worked imagination and say things like. "Act like a kangaroo being chased by a cop". They acted it out perfectly.
By the end of the day this is how we both felt.... |
I learned a lesson this weekend...I DO NOT want triplets..or seventeen kids of my own (Brittany).
Was it hard work? Yes
Was I worn out by the end of Saturday? YES
Would I volunteer again to watch the kids? YESSS without hesitation.
Now moving on....Winter. I am very disappointed in this winter, it is pathetic...Here it is middle of February and it still has not snowed. If it is going to be cold enough for a fire it really should snow. Just sayin'
ChloeBob has figured this fire thing out.
She now hopes up on the fire place and worms her little tush up after going out side |
Speaking of Chloe...aint she cute!! |
I finally got my wordism up on my wall. Just for the record these things are a pain in the...neck. They say that they will stick to any wall, well apparently my wall is not any wall. As you can see I ended up putting it on a canvas and using Modg-Podg to make it stay on there. Then I hung it on the wall...all by my self.
Picture this - Me, armed with two push pins, my awesome eye for levelness (said very sarcastically), and a high heel shoe standing on my bed trying to hang this canvas. In the end it turned out pretty good. However, it is a good thing that Dad does not know about it and the canvas covers the heel marks....
This picture looks like a drunk Indian took it...It does not do my
master piece justice...but it is the only one I have. |
Oh lookie...That, my friends, is Casey Marissa and myself on our shopping trip to OKC. We headed up there one day to inspect the outlet mall that is fairly new to the area.
We decided that the mall passed inspection and there were only a few adjustments that will be made per our request.
I think this picture speaks for itself. |
Casey and I after devouring our cookies. |
Well that my friends is a short update on my life. Come back in two months and I will tell you about my trip to the weird country of St. Louis....