Well well well...where do I start. OH OH OH I know(said while bouncing in my seat waving my hand in the air...oh wait I am supposed to be acting like a grown up...achum...) SOrry I got side tracked.
Last week was SPRING BREAK!!! And I HAD to get out of town...So I kidnapped Marissa and we went to Kansas City. Yes Yes I know what you are asking...What, why Kansas City? That is just what the police officer said when he pulled us over. Well I think his exact words were "So ya'll are on Spring Break...Why Kansas City?" Anywhooo that is another story ;)
We had a wonderful time. Here are some pictures and I apologise for the blurriness of them they were taken with my phone...
When we got to the hotel we needed a plan of action for the next four days, so we hit the brochure stand in the lobby of the hotel...Ask Marissa about opening the automatic doors every time she bent over to pull out a brochure....Talented girl I tell you:)

Sunday we got up and headed to the Kansas City Zoo which was my idea. It was fun and most of the zoo was nice but we walked and we walked...and walked and walked...
BUt I did manage to get a good picture of this guy...uh that is a peacock for those of you who cannot tell..which is everyone that has seen the picture so far....
I call Kansas City the city of cool bridges..

...and fountains...
Sunday night we went to see the play "The Importance of being Ernest" It was so good! This is a picture of the set when we found out seats. We also wen to see the play "Whipping Man" it was more different than any other play that I have ever seen but I still enjoyed it.

Marissa and I at the "Importance of Being Ernest"

Marissa and I at the "Importance of Being Ernest"

The Skyline and downtown part of Kansas City was Beautiful...except in the rain:)
Like I said city of cool bridges