Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Well well well...where do I start. OH OH OH I know(said while bouncing in my seat waving my hand in the air...oh wait I am supposed to be acting like a grown up...achum...) SOrry I got side tracked.

Last week was SPRING BREAK!!! And I HAD to get out of town...So I kidnapped Marissa and we went to Kansas City. Yes Yes I know what you are asking...What, why Kansas City? That is just what the police officer said when he pulled us over. Well I think his exact words were "So ya'll are on Spring Break...Why Kansas City?" Anywhooo that is another story ;)

We had a wonderful time. Here are some pictures and I apologise for the blurriness of them they were taken with my phone...

When we got to the hotel we needed a plan of action for the next four days, so we hit the brochure stand in the lobby of the hotel...Ask Marissa about opening the automatic doors every time she bent over to pull out a brochure....Talented girl I tell you:)

Sunday we got up and headed to the Kansas City Zoo which was my idea. It was fun and most of the zoo was nice but we walked and we walked...and walked and walked...
BUt I did manage to get a good picture of this guy...uh that is a peacock for those of you who cannot tell..which is everyone that has seen the picture so far....

I call Kansas City the city of cool bridges..

...and fountains...

Sunday night we went to see the play "The Importance of being Ernest" It was so good! This is a picture of the set when we found out seats. We also wen to see the play "Whipping Man" it was more different than any other play that I have ever seen but I still enjoyed it.

Marissa and I at the "Importance of Being Ernest"

The Skyline and downtown part of Kansas City was Beautiful...except in the rain:)
Like I said city of cool bridges
Wish I was brave enough to rock the hat look.... I love stylish hats
And this picture below is the awesome outlet mall that we got rained out of....tragic I know...

And that my friend is my Spring Break in a nut shell. If you want more details...ask...you know I love to talk;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Weekend to Remember

Never in my life have I been so tired....or so thankful for an opportunity to work with a great group of girls.
The weekend started Friday night after youth and ended at 2 on Sunday. Friday night the girls make cookies to pass out the next day and then we had a time of prayer and went to bed at around 2:45.
I had to get up and go to work on Saturday so I missed all that they did that day. I rejoined them at the gym around 4 in the afternoon and we did some physical activities. For thirty minuets they did sit-ups, toe touches, bicycles, arm circles, ran the stairs, and jumping jacks. After prayer Saturday night we made dinner, ate, and then it was time to head upstairs for devotionals. Saturday night we each took an hour of prayer to pray for the revival and those we wanted to see saved this year. Sunday morning I had to go to work again and what was supposed to be a short morning that consisted of only running the few animals that were boarding with us turned into a two and a half hour shift. I did not get back to the gym until elevinish just in time for dinner;) Even though I was just a counselor I gained much through this weekend. Thank you Sis Janice for allowing me to be a part!
I took a few pictures, most of them from my phone so they are not the best quality....
Here you see the purging:) The girls had to give up everything but the necessities....

Cleaning the showers...

MMMMMM....Cookie dough...wonderful stuff...yep yep

Sorry I thought I had more than this but...I guess not:)
Anyhooo I am so excited to say that this weekend I am leaving. Going out into the wide wonderful world with my faithful friend Marissa by my side....skipping along with me. We will blaze a trail through the wide unknown...ok ok I am just kidding. Me and Riss are going to Kansas City all by out lonesomes. I can not wait!!! Stay tuned I will try to take many pictures...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shame On Me...

A slightly disturbing thing happened to me Monday. Brittany, Marissa and I went to eat at Ted's after school Monday night. Brittany and I have a class together at the Southeast campus of TCC and we got there first. We were taken and set at a table that would seat four. As we set down I noticed that at the table across from us sat a man all by him self. I never made eye contact, never gave him much thought at all for that matter.
We went about our meal laughing and talking like we do so well. After a time the man got up from his table and that is when I noticed his....great girth. He was a very large man and carried his weight in an odd manner. With out giving it a second thought I made a smart mouthed comment about his weight. Brittany and I kinda laughed and then carried on with out giving him a second thought.
A couple minuets later Marissa got there and we finished eating and set there talking for a little while longer. When the server came to give us our checks he looked at as and said "Ladies I am sorry but I do not have a check to give you. The gentleman that was here earlier took care of your check."
It took me a little while to process the comment that he made. That check would probably have been about thirty dollars or so. That is a lot of money to pay for someone else's (who you don't know) food. I have never had a total stranger pay for my meal with out saying anything or asking for something in return. I was instantly ashamed of my self and the comment that I had made making fun of the very man that payed for my meal. I am sure that the gentleman is not reading this blog but I would still like to say to him THANK YOU!
As for my shame, I cannot explain it totally but I can say that I have thought about this situation often. A little over a year ago I was furious at people for being so quick to judge others when they had no inkling of the full story. Now I find that I am guilty of this very thing. You can never tell what is lurking beneath the outside shell of a person and it not our business to judge those around us. For all I know this gentleman has a health problem that prevents him form loosing weight. I did not take this in to consideration and although he and I never talked, or even made eye contact for that matter I was still to quick to judge him.
Sorry for the...seriousness... of the post. But for some reason I cannot stop thinking about this.