Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Twas the Night Before Finals.....

And I still have not started studying for my Computer Concepts exam...Shame on me:) yeah I sound really shameful dont I.
Tuesday is the only day that I have off from both school and work so I usually spend it on use full things like doing homework. But not today :) On the week of finals, when I should be doing my last minuet cramming, I slept in and then went and taught PE at the school and did lunch duty then I came home and made a HUGE mess..... :)

AND the partially finished results were...

Yep them be apple dumplings my friends. THEY WERE AMAZING!! (anyone notice that I said were? Yep they are now gone. I am glad to announce that I only ate half of one) I have never made them before so it was a new experience for me. As usual, when I am in the kitchen I had stuff every where. I have a bad habit of wiping my hands on my pants and backside, so by the end of the cooking class I had flour hand prints on my black sweatpants. Very stylish let me tell you:)
Wanna know what else I have been up to......well my friend just keep on readin;)
I am totally done Christmas shopping! Can I get a WHoot WHoooT! SO excited...Can you tell? I do believe this year is a record I have never been done shopping this soon....I dont think anyway:)
More later....Nighty Nighty

Sunday, December 4, 2011


YEP you guessed it...
I have to say I love just about everything about this time of year (All but the whole being single through another Christmas season).
I have had fun decorating the house and buying all my Christmas presents, which by the way I am almost done buying...whoot whoot...I do believe this is a record I am normally running around trying to buy the last couple of gifts on Christmas Eve:) Oh and have I mentioned the music...I really like Christmas music! Any one care to guess which song is my MOST favorite....Here is a hint....
Along with Christmas comes Christmas lights of course....So College and Career took a trip out to Rhema to see all the lights. It was beautiful.....I love the way the lights reflect off the water however I could not get a really good picture....

Us people are not the only ones ready for Christmas...Chloe Bob thinks she is going to get some yummy treats this year too.

Much more later....