Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Catch Up

OOPPSSSS!!!! I am a little behind on the whole blogging thing. My apologies...dont get your doggies in a pile. Life has been a little...uh..busy, to put it mildly. Last Sunday was fifth Sunday which means that we had dinner and games after service (which was very good). After the softball game, Marissa, Brittany, Kristen, and I spent the night tye-dying socks and shoes, talking and pillow fights. Basically we acted like we were youngsters again ;)

Monday we dragged our tired tushes out of bed (or more realistically off the floor and mattress;) and headed to OKC for the day. Two words....FUN TIMES. Brittany has pictures of our adventure posted on her blog if you are interested...

Tuesday, I was pulled off of the couch and stuffed into yet another car and pointed south, to Texas. After spending a month with my family it was time to take my Grandmother home. My Grandmother is...a very .....interesting character. She is what you would call an active worrier. She will worry something in a circle until she makes herself sick..literally. And if you remove that worry from her mind she will actively go look for something else to worry about. At times this process is entertaining...at times....She is also one of the words best Cinnamon roll makers.

Side note: I am so sorry to those who did not get a roll this time. I promise you will get one the next time they come out of our oven :)

Wednesday, Mom and I headed home, but on the way we just had to stop in Allen TX for some shopping ;)

SO three days spent on my rump in a car (with some shopping and fun thrown in there) you would think I deserve a day off...nope. Thursday it was off to work for me. Two eleven hour days, a play, an eight hour day, another play, and a two hour day later it was Sunday again and time for church....Shooooooowwweeeee!

This, my friends, was a crazy week for me.

Till something earth shattering happens.....

Toodles ;P